Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Growing kids

I've updated the clothing status for the kids.  We probably have enough clothes for Johnny in his current size to just make it through laundry.  He does go through a couple outfits a day due to the drool factor.  He'll probably have his front teeth any day now.  David had to lower the crib a notch since Johnny has gotten so big.  It was as if he was going to roll right out of there.  It seems that Holly is a tall 3T for now.  She loves dresses so much that she'll probably keep wearing them we'll just throw on long sleeved shirts and leggings or tights underneath.  It seems like all the leggings are out of stock in her size so I'll have to wait on that, but she does like wearing tights.  Grandma Linda just sent her a new coat so she's set there, and she has a jacket on the way.  Other than tights and leggings, the only things she might still need is a new set of hat and mittens because they were really small on her when she wore them last. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

First Ballet Class

Holiday's ballet class went really well on Saturday.  We took pictures, so we'll download them when we get time, it's been kinda crazy lately.  There was one dance/game where Holly was the leader carrying a sparkly baton and all the other girls where marching after her banging on drums.  The giggles were contagious.  We'll need to practice some stuff with the difference between right and left, first position of ballet, etc.  This is probably a good lesson in listening for Holiday which will be good for her to learn.  In other news I did get my driver's permit on Saturday, scored 100% on the test.  David wasn't surprised because even though I don't drive it's not like I don't know the rules of the road.  So I'll start practicing soon and hopefully I'll be able to get my license before too long.

I'd just like to say that no matter how crazy or hard life is for me that I have my wonderful husband and my two beautiful children to keep me grounded and sane.  Everybody take care of each other out there.

Friday, September 21, 2012

One big baby

Johnny really seems big to me now, not that he wasn't before I'm just noticing how different his development is from Holly's.  When I gave him a bath this week he almost seemed too big for the baby tub, but he still needs a baby tub because he's too young (not little) to possess the skills to sit up on his own in the regular tub.  I think we used it for about a year with Holiday, I suspect we'll be switching him to the regular tub earlier than that.  David's also noticing how much he's filling up the carrier/carseat compared to Holiday.  We'll have to check to see how much weight it's rated for.  Tomorrow is Holiday's first dance class and I believe they're starting with ballet.  So I have our video camera charged up and ready to go.  I hope she likes it.  They don't collect the money for the class right away in case the kids change their mind about dancing with other people around and stagefright and all that.  I'm inclined to think Holly will be just fine.

Monday, September 17, 2012

The usual stuff for the Andersons

We've been mostly doing regular stuff...nothing too exciting.  We picked up the rest of the gear Holiday will need for her dance class, ballet shoes, tap shoes and pick tights, she already had the black leotard.  She calls tap shoes "tappy shoes".  She was stomping around the house last night in them and showed us a couple dance moves, Holiday is such a natural.  We checked out a different park in the area too, I liked that one because it's not too crowded, that way Holly doesn't get mowed down by older kids.  David and I got a lot of yard work done.  The long row of bushes that is our eastern property line in the back yard is finally finished and David has made the 90 degree turn to the bushes along the northern property line, but that's the short side.  But they do look like they've been there a while and are pretty tall with a lot of blackberry in the mix, so that's still a big chunk of work for David.  The bushes look so much better now that David has brought them down to a manageable size.  I've been working on weeding/deadheading/trimming in the flower beds.  We have a bunch of flower beds too so it seems like it's never done.  But I made some progress this weekend cutting down spent plants and planting some springtime bulbs, tulips and crocus, so that looks a lot better too.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Ballet Class

We signed Holiday up for a ballet class at Rainier Dance Studio, it's really close to our house.  It's reasonably priced and a good time slot, Saturdays from 9-10am, so we have plenty of Saturday left to do other things.  For her age group they also include tap and change focus every 15 minutes to keep the students interest going.  LOL...sounds like experience to me.  We got to see the studio itself for the first time last night and it was surprising nice and big.  There really is so much you can't tell from the outside.  There are certain words that Holiday says that you can tell without looking at her that she's smiling they are spoken with such love.

The list is as follows (spelled phonetically):
sess stweet (that's sesame street)
porsey (horsey) add "ballet class" to that list

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Johnny's 4 month check up

Johnny had his 4 month check up yesterday and is completely on track with all his immunizations up to date.
Height: 26" (80%)
Weight: 17lbs 1.5 oz (78%)
Head Circumference: 95% (which David pointed out that it was probably a good decision for a c-section)

He had a rough night last night.  Well I guess Mommy and Daddy did too.  Johnny woke up every two hours crying, so we'd get him fed and then he'd cry some more when swaddled back up in the crib, so I had to rock him back down.  That actually didn't take too long but he's generally such a good baby that it's weird to hear him cry like that.  He normally just zonks out once he's in the crib.  His little teethies are just that ouchie and our little man is simply upset about all that.

We went to a BBQ at Toni and Drew's on Saturday and everyone had a great time.  Holly loved playing with Anna and her friends.  She even tried out Badminton.  David and I enjoyed having adult company.  Jill and her family was there too.  She babysat Holly when she was 4-5 months old.  David was looking at Jill's facebook page before the BBQ and Holly took a look at her picture and said, "Jill?"  Holly has not seen her since and it's kind of freaky that she would remember her.  Either that or she read her name which would be equally freaky.  So everyone better look out because everything Holiday sees is being burned into her memory.  But every day since then Holly says something to the tune of "I need Anna", "I want Anna", "go to Anna's house."  We can't say Anna's name aloud any more, we have to spell it.  That's like rock star status.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Little Milestones

I started putting Johnny into 9 month size clothing this week.  I still need to go through his clothes so I know what gaps in his wardrobe we need to fill.  Holly seems to be remaining at 3T so I'm not sure now when she will need 4T.  I guess we'll just need to make sure her clothes aren't too short on her and stick with the 3T for now.  During Johnny's tummy time last night he rolled over.  Holly is becoming more proficient at coloring in the lines now, she's quite good at it.  I'm pretty sure I've got their cold now.  David's been taking zinc so hopefully he can dodge it. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Bumbershoot...teething...summer colds

Well we got through Bumbershoot alright and had a good time.  Didn't see much music as expected, but there was a lot of other stuff to do, like Flatstock, the vendor section, street performers, and the kid's section.  I couldn't get to the video camera fast enough, but Holly picked up a jump rope and flung it around while jumping up and down like crazy.  It was hysterical, I tried to get her to do it again but she wanted to take books into the giant apple instead.  It was a pretty impressive apple, I totally understand.  Sunday and Monday Johnny's teething issues were bad enough that I could barely get any feedings into him.  That made me pretty flustered.  But on Tuesday when Toni and Drew were babysitting the kids, he sucked down almost all the supply I gave them to use so it's all good again.  I stayed home with the kids yesterday.  Our daycare was closed for the last two days since they were installing a new water heater and having it inspected.  Both the kids have colds, but Holly's symptoms seem worse.  She coughs way more than Johnny does same for the runny nose.  Her fever is so slight it makes me think she might just have a headache, which we still give her Tylenol for.  Both of the kids still seem to be in a good mood though.  I have a sore throat and feel really run down.  But that might mean I need to start running the humidifier again.  Also, if I have to listen to my entire family make noises in their sleep, coughing and crying, that means I get no sleep. Even when I wear earplugs, which I do.  Hopefully everyone gets better soon.