Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Ballet Class

We signed Holiday up for a ballet class at Rainier Dance Studio, it's really close to our house.  It's reasonably priced and a good time slot, Saturdays from 9-10am, so we have plenty of Saturday left to do other things.  For her age group they also include tap and change focus every 15 minutes to keep the students interest going.  LOL...sounds like experience to me.  We got to see the studio itself for the first time last night and it was surprising nice and big.  There really is so much you can't tell from the outside.  There are certain words that Holiday says that you can tell without looking at her that she's smiling they are spoken with such love.

The list is as follows (spelled phonetically):
sess stweet (that's sesame street)
porsey (horsey) add "ballet class" to that list

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