Monday, September 17, 2012

The usual stuff for the Andersons

We've been mostly doing regular stuff...nothing too exciting.  We picked up the rest of the gear Holiday will need for her dance class, ballet shoes, tap shoes and pick tights, she already had the black leotard.  She calls tap shoes "tappy shoes".  She was stomping around the house last night in them and showed us a couple dance moves, Holiday is such a natural.  We checked out a different park in the area too, I liked that one because it's not too crowded, that way Holly doesn't get mowed down by older kids.  David and I got a lot of yard work done.  The long row of bushes that is our eastern property line in the back yard is finally finished and David has made the 90 degree turn to the bushes along the northern property line, but that's the short side.  But they do look like they've been there a while and are pretty tall with a lot of blackberry in the mix, so that's still a big chunk of work for David.  The bushes look so much better now that David has brought them down to a manageable size.  I've been working on weeding/deadheading/trimming in the flower beds.  We have a bunch of flower beds too so it seems like it's never done.  But I made some progress this weekend cutting down spent plants and planting some springtime bulbs, tulips and crocus, so that looks a lot better too.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

You'll have to video Holly dancing.
I'd love to see a new photo of John, too. You're doing a great job with them.