Thursday, September 6, 2012

Bumbershoot...teething...summer colds

Well we got through Bumbershoot alright and had a good time.  Didn't see much music as expected, but there was a lot of other stuff to do, like Flatstock, the vendor section, street performers, and the kid's section.  I couldn't get to the video camera fast enough, but Holly picked up a jump rope and flung it around while jumping up and down like crazy.  It was hysterical, I tried to get her to do it again but she wanted to take books into the giant apple instead.  It was a pretty impressive apple, I totally understand.  Sunday and Monday Johnny's teething issues were bad enough that I could barely get any feedings into him.  That made me pretty flustered.  But on Tuesday when Toni and Drew were babysitting the kids, he sucked down almost all the supply I gave them to use so it's all good again.  I stayed home with the kids yesterday.  Our daycare was closed for the last two days since they were installing a new water heater and having it inspected.  Both the kids have colds, but Holly's symptoms seem worse.  She coughs way more than Johnny does same for the runny nose.  Her fever is so slight it makes me think she might just have a headache, which we still give her Tylenol for.  Both of the kids still seem to be in a good mood though.  I have a sore throat and feel really run down.  But that might mean I need to start running the humidifier again.  Also, if I have to listen to my entire family make noises in their sleep, coughing and crying, that means I get no sleep. Even when I wear earplugs, which I do.  Hopefully everyone gets better soon.

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