Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Johnny's 4 month check up

Johnny had his 4 month check up yesterday and is completely on track with all his immunizations up to date.
Height: 26" (80%)
Weight: 17lbs 1.5 oz (78%)
Head Circumference: 95% (which David pointed out that it was probably a good decision for a c-section)

He had a rough night last night.  Well I guess Mommy and Daddy did too.  Johnny woke up every two hours crying, so we'd get him fed and then he'd cry some more when swaddled back up in the crib, so I had to rock him back down.  That actually didn't take too long but he's generally such a good baby that it's weird to hear him cry like that.  He normally just zonks out once he's in the crib.  His little teethies are just that ouchie and our little man is simply upset about all that.

We went to a BBQ at Toni and Drew's on Saturday and everyone had a great time.  Holly loved playing with Anna and her friends.  She even tried out Badminton.  David and I enjoyed having adult company.  Jill and her family was there too.  She babysat Holly when she was 4-5 months old.  David was looking at Jill's facebook page before the BBQ and Holly took a look at her picture and said, "Jill?"  Holly has not seen her since and it's kind of freaky that she would remember her.  Either that or she read her name which would be equally freaky.  So everyone better look out because everything Holiday sees is being burned into her memory.  But every day since then Holly says something to the tune of "I need Anna", "I want Anna", "go to Anna's house."  We can't say Anna's name aloud any more, we have to spell it.  That's like rock star status.

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