Thursday, April 26, 2012

Good News on the OB testing front

More good news everyone.  I'm back from my doctor's appointment with my blood pressure completely normal.  I did the stress test for the baby, and he's totally fine in there.  As of right now, no additional appointments are necessary, just the regular ones.  The doctor's appointments on the books are thus:
May 4th - regular OB
May 7th - PreOp
May 11th - C-section
This is the plan unless of course I go into labor earlier than that.  I'm pretty much treating each day at work as if it's the last before maternity leave, just in case.  David was planning on going into a local pharmacy today to get a tetanus booster with whooping cough, mostly because whooping cough is such a big problem in the state right now.  Not a bad idea to have him caught up anyways, wouldn't want to be a carrier.  This weekend will probably be just odds and ends of continuing to prepare for Johnny's arrival.  We've run all our bottles through the wash and the baby stuff is organized and put away.  We'll dust off the car seat and the cradle.  Then raise up the crib and put the bedding on.  I'll order any more items we might need.  But after that, we pretty much set. 

Holiday had her 3 year check up this week too.  Her height is surprisingly in the 72nd percentile but her weight is in the 11th percentile.  Tall and slender isn't a concern though.  They attempted to do a vision test on her but she's still pretty young to understand what to do there.  I guess she got through the first three rows on the adult chart (including the big E) then declared the rest to be "teeny tinies" and didn't want to play anymore.  That's okay Holly, we'll try again next year.

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